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Welcome to Pulse

Pulse, Pediatric Universal Life-Saving Effort

Bridging the Gap, Building Futures

 Our Mission 

To rescue a child’s future and maybe even a generation by donating our resources, our time and our talents.  To persuade others to share their gifts that will enrich the lives of children and their environment. 

 The Story of PULSE 

 About Us  

Pulse, Pediatric Universal Life-Saving Effort Inc., is a non-profit organization registered in the State of New York, and was created out of necessity to address a need that we as pediatric health care professionals recognized as a substantial disparity in access to quality, specialized intensive care services for children, particularly in developing countries.

 Our Work 

 Contact Us 

Pediatric Universal Life Saving Effort (PULSE)
432 E. 14th Street
PO BOX 1282
New York NY 10009

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